엔지니어링된 시스템 장애

Dreiym provides licensed, professional forensic electrical engineers to provide assistance to all insurance, subrogation, and litigation matters involving electrical failures that result in injury, fire, or other loss. Founded in 2014, Dreiym Engineering PLLC is owned, led and managed by licensed professionals who are experts in their field.

When a failure occurs, electrical is often the first place everyone looks. An unbiased review by Licensed Professional Engineers is necessary to determine the true cause. Our skilled electrical forensic engineering consultants will determine the cause of the system failure as well as the previously-existing conditions that led to the failure. Our forensic electrical engineers will offer a definitive explanation as to how and why this failure occurred. Dreiym Engineering can also offer you solutions for how to best avoid future electrical failures.

We provide electrical forensic engineering in Austin, Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, the rest of Texas, and the surrounding states. Just call us to discuss your project location and the nearest available electrical PE consulting engineer. We offer fast response and deployment to your loss site within your needed schedule. If you are looking for a forensic electrical engineer head over to our연락처정보를 통해 연락할 수 있습니다.

실패 모드:

엔지니어링 검사 및 조사

당사의 전기 포렌식 엔지니어링 컨설턴트는 전기 공학 분야에서 많은 경험을 보유하고 있으며 사고의 진정한 근본 원인을 파악하는 데 필요한 시설과 실험실 장비에 접근할 수 있습니다. 독립적인 제3자로서 모든 당사자에게 신뢰할 수 있고 객관적이며 공정한 결과를 제공합니다. 면허를 소지한 전기 전문가로 구성된 팀에 사고 원인을 의뢰하세요.

  • 전기 장애가 사고의 원인이었나요?
  • 시스템/컴포넌트가 제대로 설계되었나요?
  • 제대로 조립 및/또는 설치되었나요?
  • 제대로 운영되고 유지 관리되었나요?
  • 해당 강령 및 표준을 올바르게 준수했나요?
