NEC 2023 有关泳池水粘结配件的参考文献
NEC 第 680 条
NEC 第 680 条专门规定了游泳池、喷泉和类似装置的要求。该条款概述了接合和接地的必要性,以防止电气危险。
Section 680.26 – Equipotential Bonding
Section 680.26 of NEC Article 680 focuses on equipotential bonding, which is crucial for preventing voltage differences between conductive parts and the pool water. This section mandates the bonding of all metallic parts, including pool water, to maintain a consistent electrical potential. Mentioned in 680.26(C) is the requirement to install a water bond.
680.26(C) 规定,如果没有 680.26(B)(1) 至 680.26(B)(7) 中提到的任何粘结结构,则需要另外安装一个与水接触面积至少为 9 平方英寸(5800 平方毫米)的水粘结配件。它必须受到保护,以免因泳池的正常使用而造成物理损坏,而且必须耐腐蚀。水接合器必须与泳池的接地系统相连。
Pool water bond fittings are essential in maintaining the safety and integrity of a swimming pool’s electrical system. They are required in various scenarios, including:
- 当粘接系统不到位或不当时。 如果您的粘接系统存在问题或建造不当,您需要安装池水粘接装置,以确保地面系统与池水之间的正常接触。
- 当泳池内壁涂有不明涂料时。 Sometimes paints and coatings can create a barrier where ions in the water are unable to pass, and so block the transfer of electrical power. Communication with the original pool designer or constructor is necessary to investigate this issue. The NEC tells us that the shell itself is conductive if made of concrete, but not that it is considered conductive to the pool water. Most concrete is highly conductive, unless dry or painted with an unknown insulating material.
- 无法联系到泳池原设计者/施工者时。 If you cannot confirm the design, methods, and materials with the original pool designer, the installation of a water bond fitting can be required to ensure good electrical contact. One question that often needs answering is did you coat the reinforcing steel, and what coatings were used on the pool’s internal shell. Additionally, a surrounding copper grid may be required per NEC 680.26(B)(1), where if reinforcing steel is coated (or the status is unknown), you must install a copper grid instead of a copper loop to reduce voltage gradients surrounding the pool. This extra copper at the surface makes up for the pool shell having poor electrical contact with its surrounding soil, when the rebar has been coated.
- 测试和批准现有的粘接方法需要时间。如果您的粘合系统年久失修或存在施工缺陷,您可能需要安装水粘合装置,作为泳池注水时的紧急安全措施。水粘合配件价格便宜,安装简单,是快速实现安全安装的好选择。
- 在修建游泳池时,还出现了其他多个问题。 泳池的多重问题可能会导致检查员和工程师担心隐藏的问题。为了减少未知因素,检查员和工程师可能会要求采取额外的安全措施,如泳池水保证金,以确保公共安全。
- 当维修时间比注水时间更长时。 如果您要填满水池,以防止以下情况造成损坏 隆隆 如果需要更多时间来纠正其他接地问题,安装水粘合剂可以确保正确的电气接触。
- 多重安全问题和漏检。 If you have multiple problems with a pool, and the original pool shell was also not inspected, this can yield the requirement to attach a pool water bond fitting. This is to ensure that any hidden & untestable discontinuities or breaks in the grounding system won’t affect its safety performance.
- 当泳池设计需要时。 If your pool’s design documents require a water bond fitting, it must be installed.
- 当灯光无法正常检查时。 当您无法检查照明装置时,可能需要使用水粘合配件来确保安全。
- 当检查员或工程师需要时。 如果检查员、电工或工程师需要看到水保证书,以实现对公众的保护,那么就必须安装水保证书。
The manufacturer will give precise instructions on where to place their fitting. In general, you want it below the water level of the pool so that it is always in contact with water. Water bond fittings can be installed in a ground box for easy access and replacement.
- 关闭泳池设备的所有电源。
- 将接地计设置为两极交流电阻模式。
- Place one probe of the multimeter in the pool water and the other probe on the bonded equipment (e.g., pump, heater, or light). In the pool water, the use of a clean ground spike can assist in getting good electrical contact.It is important to note, that getting good contact when taking this measurement may in fact produce a result that is not conservative or even realistic. Consider how much surface area will be exposed by a dropped cable during this phase. Careful application of engineering judgement may be required here.We recommend the installation of a water bond if there is any lingering doubt at all about the pool’s safety.
- 检查万用表读数。低电阻读数表明连续性良好且接合正确。电阻值高或无读数则表明接合连接有问题。
- 打开泳池设备的电源。
- 将万用表设置为电压模式。
- 将万用表的一个探头放在池水中,另一个探头放在已知接地点(如金属栅栏或接地棒)上。
- 检查万用表读数。明显的电压读数表明存在杂散电压,需要立即处理。
虽然上述步骤为测试池水粘接配件提供了基本指导,但始终有必要寻求持证工程师的专业评估。他们拥有专业知识和 进行全面测试的工具 并确保符合安全标准。
泳池水粘合配件是泳池安全和合规性不可或缺的一部分。它们可确保池水与周围设备的电气连接,防止电气危险。了解何时需要使用这些配件、NEC 在哪些地方提到了它们以及如何对它们进行正确测试是非常重要的。 对维护泳池的安全和合规性至关重要 environment. Always prioritize safety and consult with professionals to ensure the proper installation and maintenance of pool water bond fittings. Dreiym Engineering has performed dozens of inspections of pool 接地和电气系统. 联系我们 今天就联系我们,讨论如何为您提供帮助。