A galvanic cathodic protection system works by utilizing sacrificial anodes. Galvanic corrosion is achieved through an electrical-chemical process that links multiple metals electrically. Its utilization of sacrificial anodes protects the metal structures from galvanic corrosion. The sacrificial anode is a metal anode that is intentionally electrically linked to the structure due to it being more reactive to the corrosive environment than the actual metal. This works to protect the metal structure by allowing the sacrificial anode to become corroded rather than the structure. These sacrificial anodes must be replaced once they are corroded, but this process is long-lasting and successful at protecting structures from corrosion. Typical anode materials are aluminum, zinc, and magnesium.
电镀系统的使用寿命取决于设计要求、所用阳极的数量和重量以及客户需求。根据当地的土壤类型,这些系统的常规使用寿命可达 20 年。电镀系统通常适用于电阻率较低的土壤和水下应用。
典型的冲击电流阳极包括混合金属氧化物 (MMO)、铸铁、钢、石墨或现有废金属。这些系统的寿命可达 40 至 50 年,典型的设计寿命为 25 至 30 年。一旦达到使用寿命,就需要安装新的阳极,然后系统即可恢复使用。
The system that is recommended by a professional engineer depends greatly on the requirements and specifications of the project. If you don’t know what to use or where to start, the first step is finding a licensed engineer to help you decide between cathodic protection systems. Each system has its best-use scenario, and the earlier you get a cathodic protection specialist involved, the earlier and less expensive the system will be. The engineer must review all grounding plans, soil resistivity, and pipeline electrical isolation plans in order to size and design your system properly.
如果您有阴极保护方面的需求,请联系 Dreiym Engineering。我们的专业工程师可以完成cp 调查帮助您确定防止金属结构腐蚀的最佳方案。我们拥有一支持证工程师团队,他们将与您一起制定计划,为您的结构提供最佳保护,使其免受腐蚀的危害。